Discover a deeper & more authentic love — even in the midst of crisis — without sacrificing who you are

Often individuals & couples find me when they are at this crisis point:

Layers of unresolved pain, resentment or relational deadness have pushed one or both of them to the point of fearing that splitting up might be the better option. They wish they could see a way out of this that doesn’t mean either settling or leaving full of guilt and resentment.

In over a decade of supporting couples in crisis I have crafted and honed my answer to that achingly painful question

“What (the f!&k) happened to us?”.

The truth is nothing happened and that is the problem. You were never meant to stay in that place that you have been trying to get to. Your relationship, like all living matter in existence, is meant to evolve. The crisis you are experiencing is the wake-up call that is trying to nudge you onward.

Finding deeper & more real love even in the midst of crisis without either of you compromising who you are

Often couples find me when they are at this crisis point:

Layers of unresolved pain, resentment or relational deadness have pushed one or both of them to the point of fearing that splitting up might be the better option. They wish they could see a way out of this that doesn’t mean either settling or leaving full of guilt and resentment.

In over a decade of supporting couples in crisis I have crafted and honed my answer to that achingly painful question “What (the f!&k) happened to us?”.

The truth is nothing happened and that is the problem. You were never meant to stay in that place that you have been trying to get back to. Your relationship, like all living matter in existence, is meant to evolve. The crisis you are experiencing is the wake-up call that is trying to nudge you onward.

You have found your way to the right place, if

  • You can't figure out why this person who once made you come alive, now feels like a constant source of heaviness and painful experiences.

  • You may have tried conventional couples therapy and discovered that communication skills just don't cut it.

  • You find yourself repeating the same arguments despite your best intentions.

  • Your sex life is close to non-existent because you can’t even imagine wanting to be intimate

  • You may find yourself holding back the truth from your partner in fear of the pain, guilt and shame that could result.

  • You may be trying to recover from infidelity but find yourself stuck in cycles of pain and conflict

  • You don't even argue but you sense this is because something is being avoided

  • One or both of you may have begun wondering if polyamory could be a way to feel alive again without having to end this relationship

My name is Jo and for over a decade I have been supporting couples to either discover the vibrant & loving relationship they both desire or to soften together into a guilt-free ending.

As an Integral Relationship Therapist & Coach, I join couples in the midst of crisis, guide them through their inner work into more wholeness & from there to have the conversations that heal.

“Trying to “get back to what you had”, ends up preventing you from getting what you want… and trying to get what you want could mean missing out on something much more profound.”

My name is Jo and for over a decade I have been supporting couples to either discover the vibrant & loving relationship they both desire or to soften together into a guilt-free ending.

As an Integral Relationship Therapist, I join couples in the midst of crisis, guide them through their inner work into more wholeness of self and from there to have the conversations that heal.

Are we a good fit?

The truth is that no matter how skilled, qualified or experienced the practitioner, the person who will be most able to help you, is the one with whom you "click", the person you feel safe enough with to be you and take risks.

Yes, If

Yes, If

  • You like what you’ve read so far (Find out more about my approach here.

  • You are willing to find out how to unfold authentically (aka evolve) for your own sake first and for your relationship second.

  • Your relationship is NOT abusive (if you’re not sure, here’s a place to start)

  • You are ready to invest time and effort (and some money) into a process that will change your life

Yes, Especially If:

Yes, Especially If:

  • You believe that we all have a role to play in creating a more beautiful world

  • You like the idea of experiencing a synthesis of therapy, coaching and training

  • You are open to meditation and spiritual inquiry as part of your development

  • You want a guide who is real, enthusiastic and engaged

Unfortunately not, if:

  • You want the process to mainly change your partner

  • You want me to fix the situation with little time investment from you

  • Your opinions on things are fixed and you don’t want to budge

  • One of you is in serious active addiction

  • You believe your relationship may be abusive (not the same as conflictual)

  • You prefer the blank slate psychotherapy approach

  • Want my help? If you have a partner and it feels possible, discuss with them - are they willing to join you on this journey?

  • Just want a little advice? Book a one-off walk n’ talk phone call with me (I walk in the woods or in the hills and invite you to do the same and we discuss whatever it is you need help with, with the loving support of Mother Nature beneath our feet


Uncover the Secrets to Deeper, More Real Love, Even in Times of Crisis